Faculty Demographics
All headcounts are as of September 30th of each year. In the case of joint or dual appointments, faculty are counted according to their primary appointment.
Staff who hold secondary faculty appointments are excluded. Voluntary faculty, courtesy appointments, and others who hold a faculty appointment but are not paid by Yale are excluded. Faculty on leave are included. Visiting faculty who are paid by Yale are included.
Demographic information is sourced from faculty records.
Gender categories are based on self-reported information in faculty records. Aside from “Male” and “Female” gender options, which in this report are displayed as “Men” and “Women” respectively, the option to select “I do not wish to answer” was added to the faculty record system in 2018; the option to select “Non-binary” was added in 2020. These latter two options are grouped together as “Non-binary or Chose Not to Answer.”
Race/ethnicity demographic categories are as defined by the US Department of Education, with the exception that demographics displayed on these pages include all faculty regardless of citizenship type. Among the race/ethnicity categories, the “Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian” category was introduced in 2007; the “Two or More Races” category was introduced in 2015. Beginning in 2012, race/ethnicity became self-reported, resulting in larger numbers of ‘Unknown’ race/ethnicity.
Citizenship/visa demographic categories are based on those defined by the US Department of Education for race and ethnicity, which groups faculty holding a temporary resident visa in the “International” category.
For Fall 2018, clinical faculty in Medicine were added to the Clinical track, which is counted among Continuing ladder faculty beginning in 2018. Medical faculty hired pre-2018 as non-ladder clinicians are included in Non-Ladder Instructional hire counts, and not counted again as new hires in 2018. Medical faculty hired in 2018 as ladder faculty in the Clinical track are included in Ladder hiring counts.
Tenured faculty: ladder faculty who hold traditional tenure, including Professors and Associate Professors with Tenure.
Term faculty: ladder faculty who are eligible for traditional tenure but have not yet attained it, including Assistant Professors and Associate Professors on Term.
Continuing faculty: ladder faculty who are not eligible for traditional tenure. These include the ladder tracks in Medicine that are not eligible for tenure, the clinical tracks in Law and Nursing, and all undifferentiated Assistant Professors in Medicine.
Non-Ladder Instructional faculty: non-ladder faculty whose primary focus is teaching. These include all lecturers, lectors, instructors, adjunct faculty, Professors of the Practice, and Gibbs Assistant Professors.
Non-Ladder Research faculty: non-ladder faculty whose primary focus is research. These include all research scientists and research scholars.
Hire year: the first year a faculty member was at Yale. For faculty on the ladder, hire year indicates when they entered the ladder ranks. Faculty who have ever held a ladder appointment are excluded from non-ladder hire statistics (the exception being Medical Clinical-track faculty, as noted above).
Departure year: the first year a faculty member was not at Yale, irrespective of reason for leaving. For faculty on the ladder, departure year indicates when they left the ladder ranks. Faculty who have ever held a ladder appointment are excluded from non-ladder departure statistics.
Other Prof. Schools: all Professional Schools aside from Medicine who appoint the relevant type of faculty (ladder, non-ladder instructional, or non-ladder research).
Interdisciplinary Centers: centers that do not appoint ladder faculty, but which do appoint non-ladder faculty such as lecturers, research faculty, and lectors (e.g. the MacMillan Center).