About the survey
The 2023 faculty climate survey opened September 27 and closed November 6, 2023.
Yale conducted the 2023 university-wide faculty climate survey as part of the Belonging at Yale initiative, a comprehensive effort launched by President Peter Salovey in 2020 to enhance diversity, support equity, and promote an environment of inclusion and respect at the university. Faculty in all ranks, tracks, and backgrounds were encouraged to participate. Faculty responses will help deans, chairs, section chiefs, and other academic leaders improve our campus culture. Each school’s teams that are developing their school’s diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging action plan will use the results of the survey to update the plans and to measure progress.
This survey will be repeated every two years and was first conducted in 2021. Informed by the results of that survey, the university has developed several initiatives to improve faculty life and schools have invested in efforts to support belonging and faculty success, such as new programs to support faculty mentoring. Responses to this year’s survey will again be used by deans of schools, department chairs, and other university leaders to advance efforts to create and sustain a climate where all faculty can thrive in their teaching, research, and scholarship and feel they belong at Yale.
Please reach out with general inquiries as well as technical questions about the survey to Yale’s Office of Faculty Development and Diversity: faculty.dev@yale.edu.
All individual responses remain strictly confidential. Only the staff of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) have access to the survey data, and they follow a range of protocols to protect confidentiality and prevent disclosure. OIR staff uphold high ethics for research conduct and are trained in Human Subject Protection. Deans, chairs, section chiefs, other academic leaders, and other members of the faculty will not have access to any individual responses.
Results from the analyses of the data are reported only in the aggregate, in a manner that does not identify individuals. Results to a question will be provided only if at least 5 individuals answered that question. Results from different demographics (e.g., rank, gender, URM) will not be reported unless five or more respondents from that demographic answered the question.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who was invited to take the 2023 faculty climate survey?
All faculty who had valid Yale email addresses and active appointments as of the survey launch were invited to participate.
When did the survey launch?
The survey opened Wednesday, September 27, 2023 and closed Monday, November 6, 2023.
Why were faculty encouraged to participate?
This was an important opportunity to make your experience and concerns heard by your faculty colleagues, chairs, section chiefs, deans, the Provost, and the President. More responses will provide more effective data that can advise University decision making.
Will my dean, chair, section chief, or director see my individual responses?
No university leader, dean, chair, section chief, director, nor any faculty member will see any individual responses. The feedback that you provide will be combined with other people’s feedback, and if at least five people respond, the community will see only aggregated results that combine your answer together with at least four other answers.
Regarding the open-ended questions in the survey: Responses to open-ended questions will be shared with a limited audience as written, without the name or email of the survey-taker attached. Survey participants providing text responses were asked not to include their name or other identifying information that they would not want shared. Survey participants were also reminded that that this survey was not intended as a means for faculty to report any emergencies or other urgent matters to the University.
Who administered the survey?
Yale’s Office of Institutional Research administered the survey. This Office conforms to high standards for protecting the confidentiality of individual survey responses.
Who designed the survey?
The survey was designed by members of Yale’s Office of Faculty Development and Diversity in the Office of the Provost, with input from a Yale faculty advisory group, Yale deans, and the Yale Office of Institutional Research.
Where can I see the results of the 2021 survey?
View the results of the 2021 faculty climate survey here.