2023 Faculty Climate Survey Data Definitions
Faculty Ranks
Ladder faculty ranks include:
- Professor with tenure
- Professor on continuing appointment in the Schools of Medicine and Public Health
- Clinical Professor of Law
- Professor on the academic clinician track in the School of Medicine
- Professor on the clinical track in the School of Nursing
- Associate professor with tenure
- Associate professor on term
- Assistant professor
- Lecturer convertible
Instructional faculty ranks include:
- Professor in the practice
- Professor adjunct
- Associate professor adjunct
- Assistant professor adjunct
- Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, & Senior Lecturer II
- Lector, Senior Lector I & II
- Critic, Senior Critic
- Instructor
Research faculty ranks include:
- Senior research scientist/scholar
- Research scientist/scholar
- Associate research scientist/scholar
Faculty Demographics: Survey Results
Survey results show responses by these demographics:
Race and ethnicity
Categories include White, Asian or Asian-American, Underrepresented identities, and Rather not say. Underrepresented racial/ethnic identities include American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latina/Latino/Latinx, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and self-identified responses. These categories reflect those used by the Department of Education’s IPEDS Data System.
Categories include Men, Women, Underrepresented identities/intersex, and Rather not say. Underrepresented gender identities include non-binary, transgender, and self-identified responses.
Sexual Orientation
Categories include Heterosexual, Queer/LGBQA+, and Rather not say. Note that in these survey results, “LGBQA+” stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, asexual, and additional self-identified responses. Although the more commonly used acronym of LBGTQIA+ stands for “lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, and additional identities,” within these survey results, responses from those identifying as trans and intersex are included in the gender demographic rather than the sexual orientation demographic, therefore their initials are excluded from the acronym.
Faculty Demographics: Survey Questions
When taking the survey, respondents were given the following options for self-reporting how they identify:
Race and ethnicity
How do you identify? Select all that apply.
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian or Asian-American
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latina/Latino/Latinx
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- White
- Rather not say
- I identify as [please type response into open text box]
How do you identify? Select all that apply.
- Woman
- Man
- Non-binary
- Transgender
- Intersex
- Rather not say
- I identify as [type response into open text box]
Sexual Orientation
How do you identify? Select all that apply.
- Heterosexual
- Gay/Lesbian
- Bisexual/Pansexual
- Asexual/Aromantic
- Queer
- Rather not say
- I identify as [type response into open text box]